Frequently asked questions.
Q: What is holistic medicine?
A: Holistic Medicine is the art and science of healing that addresses care of the whole person – body, mind and spirit. The practice of holistic medicine integrates conventional and complementary therapies to promote optimal health and to prevent and treat disease by addressing contributing factors.
In practice, this means that every person is seen as a unique individual rather than an example of a particular disease. Disease is understood to be the result of physical, emotional, spiritual, social and environmental imbalance. The role of the practitioner is as guide, mentor and role model. The patient must do the work – changing lifestyle, beliefs and old habits in order to facilitate healing. All appropriate methods may be used, from medication to nutritional supplements or herbs to hypnosis or meditation.
Q: What is a holistic consultation?
A: Dr. Eklund schedules over an hour for your initial holistic consultation ( via Zoom) which includes reviewing your usual medical history as well as extensive information gathering which is not part of a traditional medical visit. This includes a “functional medicine” approach which integrates traditional western medicine with personalized, selective alternative or natural healing modalities. The goal of the first visit is to review your information, decide what additional information is required, and formulate an initial treatment plan.
In preparation for the visit, you will receive forms which you will want to fill out before you arrive. Information will include facts about your extended family’s medical history. You may want to take this opportunity to speak with relatives to supplement your current knowledge. During this process, many patients discover facts of which they were previously unaware.
If your visit is for specific symptoms or medical problems, a detailed chronology will be reviewed and integrated with the above information. It is helpful to bring a list of previously used medications with dates as well as copies of test reports.
Q: What types of concerns do patients bring to a holistic consultation?
A: Sometimes patients want to prevent conditions for which they may be at risk such as a family history of heart disease. Others want help finding the source of their problem, rather than just treating it with drugs.
Some may want to lose weight or improve their overall health status. Others may want to establish a relationship with a physician who can integrate natural therapies into their treatment.
Often patients come who have chronic problems for which traditional treatment has been ineffective (such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue or multiple symptoms without a diagnosis), or for which they prefer a more personalized or natural approach.
Q: What additional tests might be ordered?
A: Additional tests ordered might include a detailed vitamin, mineral, and nutrient assessment to determine any deficiencies you currently have. You will learn the significance of any deficiencies and what to include in your diet or supplements to replace them.
An extensive analysis of your digestive tract includes information such as digestive enzymes, inflammation, abnormal bacteria, yeasts or parasites, and a lack of protective bacteria.
Saliva or blood specimens may be ordered to evaluate female hormones, adrenal (stress) hormones, or thyroid hormones and antibodies.
Urine can be tested for heavy metals, usch as mercury.
Blood tests can be ordered to evaluate food allergies and sensitivities.
Q: Are tests covered by insurance?
A: It depends on the particular test and your specific insurance policy. We will use Quest Labratory when possible, which usually bills your insurance directly. If you have a PPO, special tests may be covered at least in part. Sometimes a patient is required to pay the lab upfront and refunds are made to the extent that your insurance reimburses them for the test. If you have an HMO, only usual tests done at the lab specified by your insurance are covered.
Q: What is the cost of a holistic consultation?
A: The first visit is $450 (as of July 14, 2021). A $100 deposit by check or credit card is required prior to the appointment. It is applied to the initial fee or refunded if a cancellation is made with at least two business days notice. The cost of a follow up visit ranges from $50 to $200, depending on the complexity of the issues and the amount of time taken. Follow up telephone or email consultations/ questions are charged based on time spent at a similar rate.
Q: Are nutritional supplements and herbal therapy available at the Center?
A: Yes, a selection is available to patients at the Center The companies we have selected have been extensively evaluated for their manufacturing standards. Established patients can purchase Xymogen products on-line (www.wholescripts.com) using our referral code. Please call the office at (305) 270-2229 for further information.